Commercial Bird Removal

Residential & Commercial Bird Removal

Residential & Commercial Bird Removal” No matter what kind of animal removal or bird control services we employ at Pest Solutions of Mid Michigan, we will do everything in our power to reduce the amount of pain inflicted on the animal in question throughout the eviction and/or removal process. Through affordable and humane removal, trapping, eviction, exclusion, and advanced restoration and cleanup services, we are as close as you can get to a “one-stop-shop” in the world of Mid Michigan wildlife removal and wildlife control.

The most common birds in our area are:

European Starlings

Starlings are cavity nesters and often clog vent lines in homes.  Starlings frequently nest in home and barn soffits.  Many people view this as a harmless activity.  It is just a mom raising her young, but this simple activity can lead to many problems in your home.

Stewart Pest Solutions often finds newer neighborhoods built in open fields with high starling populations.  These newly built homes often will have several vents with covers.  Starlings have learned how to manipulate these vent covers and access the pipes inside the home.  Once they have gained entry, the starlings will start building a nest.  Starlings will pack the inside of the pipe with nesting material.  If the problem is not dealt with, the starling will be back the following year and build another nest in the pipe in front of the previous nest.

Stewart Pest Solutions will clean out and install a proper cover on the vent so these birds cannot make another nest in your home.   On occasion we may have to fully replace the line.  Don’t be fooled by other companies that only install covers and leave the nesting material inside.  Stewart Pest Solutions will do it right the first time.

English Sparrows

English sparrows are cavity nesters and will build a nest every year.  Nests can be found the size of beach balls and bigger given enough time.  Stewart Pest Solutions often finds nests in attics and soffits but also has found these crafty birds in vent lines.  English sparrows are very common in urban settings.   If you are seeing these birds hanging out on or by your home, give us a call for an inspection.

Common problems caused by starlings and sparrows include:

  • Foul odors
  • Increased allergies from bird dander and waste (poop)
  • Bird mites
  • Maggots from dead birds coming through vents
  • Fire hazard
  • Clogged vents
  • Mold
  • Bird waste on the outside of your home or business


Stewart Pest Solutions offers deterrents to help combat the problems these birds can create.  Woodpeckers are highly protected and a special DNR permit to remove these birds is required.  Stewart Pest Solutions recommends keeping any wood products on your home properly finished (painted) and replacing any wood that may be water damaged.  Stewart Pest Solutions can replace your home’s damaged wood and bring it back to new.

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