Honeybee Removal

Honeybee Removal

Honeybee Removal

Stewart Pest Solutions is a big proponent of honeybees.  We maintain our own colonies of bees and recognize how important they are to the planet.  We offer free swarm removal in Mid Michigan.  Stewart Pest Solutions also will remove established colonies from structures.  It is important to remove the beehive as a whole so pests do not move in to take advantage of the honey and pollen left behind.  This will cause odors and other problems.  Please call us as soon as the swarm of honeybees shows up so we can save them.  We will rehome the honeybees into one of our bee yards.

If you see a swarm do not be alarmed! The honeybees do not want to harm you.  The bees are not defending anything and will keep to themselves.  If a bee does land on you simply blow the bee off.

Please do not spray the swarm with any chemicals or anything else to disperse them.  Give us a call and we will happily retrieve the bees.

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