Fox Removal

Fox Removal

Fox  Removal ~ The two types of fox found in Michigan are red fox and grey fox.  Generally fox are predators but will also eat fruits and nuts.  Fox become a nuisance when they start preying on livestock.  The livestock most commonly preyed upon is chickens but any type of fowl is susceptible to predation.

The first thing for homeowners to do when they notice a fox preying on their small animals or fowl is to lock the livestock up in a pen or other enclosure.  This most often will solve the issue; however, if the fox begins digging, jumping, or climbing into the pen or enclosure, you may need to have the fox trapped or have other preventive measures taken.   The fox is probably just looking for easy prey or may be trying to feed its pups.  We want to avoid trapping a fox and taking it away from its litter.  We will determine the best methods based on the time of year and the location of the problem fox and humanely catch and relocate the animal if possible.  If a fox den is located on your property we will do our best to convince the fox that their den may be in danger so they will relocate themselves.

Coyote Removal

Coyotes are predators and it is natural for them to hunt game.  We experience more and more coyote/human conflicts as we build into the country and see the coyote population on the rise.  Coyotes are to some extent losing their fear of humans in areas where they are not hunted or trapped.  Coyotes will attack and kill small dogs, cats, and all types of livestock.  I have seen dogs that have had very severe injuries from coyote attacks. I have heard from cattle farmers that they have seen coyotes patiently watching and waiting as a cow is giving birth ready to sneak in and eat the after birth and possibly the calf.  We will do our best to provide a solution to your coyote problem in a safe and humane way.

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